discounts is selling fine art on its website. costco sells just about anything. why not? reporter: a latiss lithograph for $1,049. andy warhol for more than $1,000. a lot of campbell soup cans. or to put it another way, 2,336 rolls of kirkland brand toilet paper. or 187 pounds of cashews. costco says it keeps the cost below those of most art galleries by charging no more than a 4% mark-up on all retail items. business is booming since the art was first listed two weeks ago. if you go online, you notice all the masterpieces are out of stock, sold out. i mean, i like costco, but for fine art, i would rather be in person. they re a big company, and i would trust to buy fine art from them. reporter: the artwork will join other luxury offers like jewelry and wedding dresses. believe it or not, fine art has been sold at lines before.