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There’s no doubt the United States Senate needs more racial diversity. And class diversity, too. By picking California Secretary of State Alex Padilla to fill Vice President–elect Kamala Harris’s soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat, Governor Gavin Newsom met both goals. Padilla, the working-class son of Mexican immigrants, will become the first Latino senator from California, a state that is roughly 40 percent Latino.
latina democrat to serve in the florida state senate, she was probably most famous for being a down-ballot democratic victim are the 2016 attack on the election. last year n the southernmost part of florida, miami-dade and the florida keys, there was a really ugly democratic primary fight to see who would take on the incumbent republican in that seat. one was joe garcia, the other was annette teddio. the democratic committee had taken sides. it was the kind of primary fight that drives rifts. so it was always going to be tough. suddenly in august, it got much, much worse. a whole slew of hacked documents relating to the race were posted online. strategy memos, opposition research e-mails, including a