Disaster for Labor in Scotland they ve lost all but one of their 7 M.P. s In contrast the Conservatives managed to hold on to 6 of their 13 despite losing their leader the Liberal Democrats actually increased their share of the vote James Shore reporting there and the B.B.C. s Andrew Neil has this assessment of the night s events what we ve witnessed is basically the passing of power from one establishment to another the center left and center right which have dominated this country for decades John Major Tony Blair all the other politicians associated with them they ve gone breaks it is happening and the Conservative Party that now has this majority is very different from the previous Conservative Party it is less better Politan is less southern it s less Bourgeois a more working class more northern more provincial more small towns and cities President Trump has tweeted his congratulations to Boris Johnson on his victory he said Britain in the United States would now be free to strik
Harm his political opponents and gain and proper personal political advantages and explain in this article the involvement beach with the House Judiciary Committee then stated that presidents Nixon s cond was undertaken for his personal political advantage and not the father month of any valid national policy objective the president abused his fower and to me and at least the members on this side of the Di is that matters and with that I yield the remaining time to Mr Richmond from Louisiana. Thank you Mr Chairman very quickly I just want to Cedric Richmond a Democrat of Louisiana people watching that when you look at the credibility of a testimony and weighing the evidence you can look at other things I want to enter into the record unanimous consent the Guardian article Roger Stone and Michael Coyne The men in trumps are being implicated in crimes those election c.n.n. Politics 6 Trump associated Trump associates have been convicted a mother related investigation. Of my wise grandmo
Allies harm his political opponents and gain and proper personal political advantages and explain in this article the beach but the House Judiciary Committee then stated that President Nixon s cond was undertaken for his personal political advantage and not the father month of any valid national policy objective the president abused his fower and to me and at least the members on this side of the Dias that matters and with that I yield the remaining time to Mr Richmond Louisiana thank you Mr Chairman very quickly I just want to Cedric Richmond a Democrat of Louisiana people watching that when you look at the credibility of a. Testimony and weighing the evidence you can look at other things I want to enter into the record unanimous consent the Guardian article Roger Stone the Michael coin the men and trumps are being implicated in crimes. C.n.n. Politics 6 Trump associated Trump associates have been convicted in Mala related investigation. Was grandmother who said Birds of a feather fl
It does take up an awful lot of oxygen and it will when it gets to the Senate but in these particular circumstances and this is one of the things the Democrats have been at pains to explain and to push forward and to urge there is no other remedy for a president they consider out of control Sue Davis Jerrold Nadler the chairman has taken his seat as we prepare to start this hearing what is going to happen today what is a markup a markup is when lawmakers have a chance in committee to make any changes to the bill before it goes to the floor we do not expect that this markup will fundamentally change the 2 articles that in Article one on abuse of power in an article 2 on instruction I don t expect many Democrats to offer amendments we re going to see a lot of Republicans try and change it or you know move to strike it entirely there are likely to be successful these are going to be a bunch of party line votes the Articles of Impeachment won t be approved until the very end of this heari
Wish those professors astoundingly and in direct contradiction to even the most simplistic concept of due process stated then an impeachment does not have to be rooted in any recognized criminal standard because the impeachment portion of the Constitution was written before criminal statues your 2nd article of impeachment obstruction of Congress serves only to highlight the absurdity of the situation that they have put us in congressional oversight is a serious constitutional responsibility it s a bedrock of the checks and balances that the founders envisioned over Democrats have now created a standard that if you don t give them what they want when they want it they won t beat you for obstruction of Congress this is not the solemn duty envisioned by the founders in this Democratic Congress issued a flurry of subpoenas in accordance with their rights the president did what is taught to every 1st year law student Civil Procedure see judicial review of a subpoena that would lead to the