List of Tables 1 â1âArchaeological Excavations at Tell Meskeneh â2âThe Archives of Emar â3âEmarâs Scribal Distinctions 2 â1âTexts and Translations: Emar 375+ 397 + 401 + 428 + 448 + 449 â2âThe zukru Ritual of the City of Emar â3âGods and Men in the zukru Ritual â4âThe Performance of the zukru Ritual 3 â1âTexts and Translations: Emar 373 + 374 + 376 + 424 + 425 + Dercksen Kaskal No. 3 â2âTextual and Philological Notes â3âThe zukru Ritual in its Festival Version â4âzukru Festival Divinity â5âThe Ritual Transaction: Donations to the Gods â6âThe Sponsors of the zukru Festival â7âThe Provisioning of the zukru Festival â8âThe Performance of the zukru in Its Festival Form 4 â1âThe Meaning of the Word âzukruâ â2âThe zukru Rituals: A Synthetic View