Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Amid the ongoing political turmoil in Maharashtra, Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil on Sunday said there is no major incident of disruption of law and order in the state. India News | Maha Crisis: No Law and Order Issue in State, Says Home Minister.
The Centre on Sunday extended Y-plus security cover of CRPF commandos to at least 15 rebel Shiv Sena MLAs, officials said.
Those who were provided the security cover include Ramesh Bornare, Mangesh Kudalkar, Sanjay Shirsat, Latabai Sonawane, Prakas Surve and 10 others.
Their families living in
Amid the ongoing political turmoil in Maharashtra, Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil on Sunday said there is no major incident of disruption of law and order in the state.