The nation remembers the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar on her birth anniversary. Fans have been pouring in heart-melting messages from around the globe. Know some unknown facts about the late singer.
Asha Bhosle broke down momentarily saying each year the family gathered on this day (April 24) for the Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Awards function, and today was their beloved father s 80th death anniversary, and even Lata Didi recently completed 80 years of her trailblazer singing career in the Ind
The Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Awards aim to honour legends from the field of music, drama, art, medical and social work. Veteran actors Asha Parekh and Jackie Shroff will receive the Master Deenanath Puraskar (special honour) for their dedicated services in the field of cinema .