so i think it comes into what you were saying before about the need for a linear channel and the audiences that that linear channel is helping to snag. and again, the research has found that there is an appetite out there for linear tv and sort of appointment to view tv. you know, people want to tune in every week for drag race or normal people or, you know, the latest fleabag episode. and actually, if you stick a four minute bulletin in, just after that orjust before that, you re more likely to get people who wouldn t seek out news online. jake kanter, as you re listening to this, are you convinced? or do you think perhaps the news audience has moved away from tv while bbc three wasn t there? i find the arguments on the news bulletin absolutely fascinating, and i think. well, there s some evidence from last night to show that the research is correct, because if you look at drag race, which premiered last night it s drag race vs the world it did really well. it beat e4, which is a
so i think it comes into what you were saying before about the need for a linear channel and the audiences that that linear channel is helping to snag. and again, the research has found that there is an appetite out there for linear tv and sort of appointment to view tv. you know, people want to tune in every week for drag race or normal people or, you know, the latest fleabag episode. and actually, if you stick a four minute bulletin in, just after that orjust before that, you re more likely to get people who wouldn t seek out news online. jake kanter, as you re listening to this, are you convinced? or do you think perhaps the news audience has moved away from tv while bbc three wasn t there? i find the arguments on the news bulletin absolutely fascinating, and i think. well, there s some evidence from last night to show that the research is correct, because if you look at drag race, which premiered last night it s drag race vs the world it did really well. it beat e4, which is a
fascinating, and i think. well, there s some evidence from last night to show that the research is correct, because if you look at drag race, which premiered last night it s drag race vs the world it did really well. it beat e4, which is a rival channel also targeted at young audiences, and 34% of the viewers were 16 to 34. and when drag race was on bbc one, it was. well, it was on iplayer originally, but bbc one showed it as part of the strategy. only 2% of its audience were 16 to 34. so you can see right there that bbc three, a channel, a destination for young audiences, is immediately attracting more young audiences by its very nature, and therefore you would hope that they stumble across a news bulletin. and, of course, the work goes on, rosanna. when you finish speaking to us now, you re going straight back to producing this evening s bulletin. i wonder what s going to be in it. so some attempt to explain what levelling up means, perhaps without using the words levelling up