morning.. meanwhile lopez will be extradited to maryland sometime this week. 3 residents of a downtown apartment complex are asking afterra second person is found dead. at the bottom of a trash chute.this time, police say theevictim is a 21-year-old woman, emily hauze. melinda roeder llve from north charles street with more on the investigation. 3 last august a 33-year old man fell at least 20 floors ttrough the trash shoot of the park ccarles apartments. and eeded p dead in the trash compactor was ruled an a very similarrincident. has many wondering what really happenee. found the body of 21-year-old emily hauze. inside a dumpster. she had apparently landed there after falling throogh the trash chuue.police say - once again - they found no evidence of trauma or foul & pnder innestigation. meaatime. many resideets we spoke with say they can t understand how this could happen twice. they say the trash chute just isnnt that wide. 3 apartment doors
and. opee seeame . to packers.what some viral thieves.. posted on the sesame it was up before ii was pulled. 3 3 -towssn monday, october 17th 3 3 ,3 fiber map the 2011 special &psession starts today in annap. annapolis. lawmakerssare gathering to talk abouu re- districting . but there s been a loo oo speculation that on theeagenda. raising taxes. especiilly the gas tax has come up several times. as a way to fund transportation projects.and maryland is still facing a billion dollar budget deficit. a bloo that will no stimulus money.oned by federal - governor martin o malley has unveileddhis plan for re-drawing maryland s congressiooal districts aad he s expecteddto submit it toddy.. at the beginning oo a sppccal session of the general . assembly.the plan maintains two african american-majorrty districts..and tarrets loog- time republican congressman roscoe artlltt.the changes are expected to make it easier for a democrat to win bartlett s 6th district. stay tuned for continni
good morning, it s december 21st. ú%u re taking a live look no overnight hours when most of you %-eclipse as it was happening ad at the end of all of his, the ú%n became a very pretty shade of red, some would say eerie, steve says eerie shade oo red, but that was the llnar eclipse. good mornnng, i m patrrce harris. meteorologgst steve fertig is here and you ssw t in that red shade. yeah. i diin t. %-lookkng for the mmon and inn ú%uldn t find itt it looked veryy ool. it looked ike a horror film theee s deeinite an explanation for it all. it was something that was eclipse ight near the winter solstice. refraction of light waves. thii is what we wereewitnessing %-earth that cast on thh mooo as we sit, we being the earth earth that actually acts as a bit of a prism in a ssnse. it actually aalows the red ú%fracterefracted light rays thw the moon to show up as red. it was very cool inneed. if you were up, you got to see t temperatures, 33 degrees in baltimorr. the 29 in