Archeologists working in the "Huaca de las Abejas" complex in the region of Lambayeque have discovered the tombs of two children believed to have been part of the Incan social elite.
Tombs containing the remains of two children thought to have belonged to the Incan societal elite have been discovered by a group of experts in northern Peru in the boundaries of a 500-year-old archae
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Sputnik International
22 Jan 2021 / 05:44 H.
(Corrects name of museum from Túcumen to Túcume in second paragraph)
By Reuters TV
LIMA, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Tombs containing the remains of two children thought to have belonged to the Incan societal elite have been discovered by a group of experts in northern Peru in the boundaries of a 500-year-old archaeological site, the leader of the team that carried out the excavations said on Thursday.
The tombs were discovered in December as part of excavations at the Huaca de las Abejas complex in the region of Lambayeque that began in 2017. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of 49 people, including most recently the two children, Jose Escudero, archaeologist at the Túcume museum 780 kilometers (485 miles) north of Lima, told Reuters.
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LIMA Tombs containing the remains of two children thought to have belonged to the Incan societal elite have been discovered by a group of experts in northern Peru in the boundaries of a 500-year-old archaeological site, the leader of the team that carried out the excavations said on Thursday.
The tombs were discovered in December as part of excavations at the “Huaca de las Abejas” complex in the region of Lambayeque that began in 2017. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of 49 people, including most recently the two children, Jose Escudero, archaeologist at the Túcumen museum 780 kilometers (485 miles) north of Lima, told Reuters.