Swedish Match AB (publ) share capital and total number of shares as well as implementation of share split
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n accordance with the resolution at the Annual General Meeting on April 13, 2021, Swedish Match AB (publ) has cancelled 4,200,000 repurchased treasury shares. As previously communicated, the Annual General Meeting also resolved in favor of a split of the Company s shares whereby each existing share of the Company is divided into ten shares (ratio 10:1).
The share capital of 389,515,417.20 SEK remains unchanged, since, simultaneous with the resolution to reduce the share capital by means of withdrawal of repurchased treasury shares, it was resolved to increase the share capital by a transfer from non-restricted shareholders equity to the share capital (bonus issue). Thereby the share capital was restored to its balance prior to the reduction, without the issuing of any new shares.
Interim Report January - March 2021 Impressive Q1 performance across all product segments Double-digit sales and operating profit growth across all product segments in local currencies. For the Smokefree product segment, continued momentum for
ZYN drove strong US performance and in Scandinavia good underlying development was further enhanced by timing effects on shipments and COVID-19 related channel mix effects. For Cigars, record volumes, sales and operating profit on the back of strong category growth and improved price mix. No major operational COVID-19 related disruptions and COVID-19 related effects in aggregate are estimated to have elevated the reported financial performance. In local currencies, sales increased by 23 percent for the first quarter. Reported sales increased by 11 percent to 4,455 MSEK (4,029).
/PRNewswire/ Major items approved by today s Annual General Meeting include: A dividend of 15.00 SEK per share Mandate to repurchase up to 10 percent of all.
Strong finish to the year with top-line growth across all product segments
Record sales and operating profit for the year driven by strong traction for
nicotine pouches in the US. Double-digit operating profit growth in local currencies for the Smokefree and Cigar product segments in both the full year and the fourth quarter.
COVID-19 related effects are estimated to have elevated sales and operating profit for the full year as well as in the fourth quarter.
In local currencies, sales increased by 15 percent for the fourth quarter and by 17 percent for the full year. Reported sales increased by 5 percent to 4,136 MSEK (3,933) for the fourth quarter and by 13 percent to 16,698 MSEK (14,739) for the full year despite significant strengthening of the Swedish krona during the year versus the US dollar, the Norwegian krona and the Brazilian real.