Let me just say something. I know this may be controversial, and you may disagree with me. You may think I'm naive because politics is everything, but here's the thing:
Whenever you see what the mainstream media spends their time and focus on, that should give you a clue that they are trying to distract you. The fact that they
Today's topic seems to be the White House floating out this idea, after facing a lot of pressure from Democrats in Congress, that they should forgive student loan debt. That
It's the day after the big Wyoming primary! Have you ever spent more time thinking about a primary in Wyoming? (I mean, if you are not a Wyomingite, by the
I'm kind of glad we have taken 24 hours to take a heavy breath and assess where we are after this unprecedented, unbelievable, despicable, and game-changing, Rubicon-crossing raid of a