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Hours ahead of President Biden’s Wednesday address to Congress marking his first 100 days in office, NBC’s
Today show delivered the shocking news to viewers that people who voted for the Democrat in November still support him. The ridiculous segment wasted nearly five minutes of air time touting how Biden supporters loved the President’s “personality” and “temperament.”
“You know, for this story in particular, we really focused on people who are new to the Democratic fold, folks all across the country who voted Republican in 2016 but who flipped in 2020, to see how they think the President’s doing in his first 100 days,” senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson explained at the beginning of the one-sided report.
A Life: Stanley Liang, 1944 – 2020; ‘Everything he did was fun’
Stanley Liang tends to the grill while hosting the annual beef and beer Memorial Day event at their Maple Street neighborhood in West Lebanon, N.H., in 2001. The two-decade tradition continued when Stanley and Linda Liang moved to Sun City, Ariz., in 2013. (Family photograph)
Stanley Liang at a family gathering in West Lebanon, N.H., in 2008. “Everybody loved him and he loved everybody,” one of his friends said. (Family photograph)
Linda and Stanley Liang at the wedding of their son, Robert, in 2007. Linda was the officiant for the wedding. (Family photograph)