“Oh, Lord, I ve got some singing to do,” Joe Hickerson croons comfortably, without instrumentation, from his kitchen table.
The fridge behind him is covered with photos and magnets, and he peers into his computer’s video camera toward an online audience of about seventy people attending a recent Friday night Old-Fashioned Hootenanny hosted by Swallow Hill Music over Zoom. He pauses to explain how he learned Oh, Lord, I ve Got Some Singing to Do in 1957, during his days at Oberlin College.
He and the others gathering online for Swallow Hill s hootenannies are carrying on a tradition that began in 1962 at Harry Tuft’s Denver Folklore Center. Along with selling guitars, Tuft created a meeting ground for the folk-enthused that’s outlasted nearly six decades of changing venues and business iterations with only the latest hootenannies taking place online. But despite the newfangled setup, sincerity shines through as musicians and students gather to share what they love
the cost of going to law school or going enormous investment and the debt these people are having when they come the short answer is, the people who want to stick their my guess is i m going shelby foote was a guest on booknotes in by fate in determining the the civil war battle of gettysburg c-span: shelby foote, author of stars in their courses: the gettysburg campaign, where did you get that title? guest: it comes from the bible. the stars in their courses fought against sisera. when deborah or whoever it was drove his tent peg in his temple, freeing the jewish people from this tyrant, she explained that he had been led into this terrible tragedy that happened to him by the stars. in other words, fate had brought him there, and the title ties in with robert e. lee being led into defeat at pickett s charge by success after success after success, success, until finally fate decided to hammer him down, and they did at pickett s charge. c-span: gettysburg was fought when?