free, after two months bringing 33 miners to the reunions with friends and family drinking in front of the -ommander and chief. the dare and money this man said he is now owee for exposing t all in front of president obama. hidinggfrom tough questions behind a closed door. why do you have to travel? the trip, and taxpayer money spent, as the city comptroller didn t want to talk about. live in high definition from wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. hello, i am jennifer gilbert. and i am jeff barnd. fiist tonight. breaking news. great story to tell. all the men trapped in the mine in chile are free. is going on there tonight. all of the miners are now out of the mine. and he last rescue workers are now being pulled out. in fact, two of six ressuers have been brought to the surface. thht means there are four people remaining to be rescued, out of the mine. and then this aaazing rescue operrtion is complete. about an hour ago, the capsule carryi