Illustration by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Corinne Mucha
A champion of physics in South Africa
By Rachel Crowell
In recognition of his own past, Azwinndini Muronga has brought STEM enrichment opportunities to youth in remote, underserved towns and villages.
Growing up in a government-segregated “Black homeland” in South Africa, Azwinndini Muronga began looking after his family’s livestock at the age of 6. On school days, his mother would take the sheep, goats and cows to the forest to graze at noon. “When I came back in the afternoon, I would quickly change my school uniform and dash to the forest to take over,” he says.
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There is something missing from Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley’s 2020 honours list.
Bradley said he made the decision to not take the pandemic into consideration when assembling the 20 names on this year’s list.
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Try refreshing your browser. Sarnia mayor s honours list saves pandemic service for another day Back to video
Thanking and recognizing the contributions individuals and groups made to help the community get through COVID-19 will be held on a day when the pandemic is over “and we can do that properly as a community,” he said.