Dora Duff passed away 2021-10-14 in Greenville, Texas. This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. Services by Local Cremation and Funerals.
good evening. i m ken wayne. and i m maureen naylor. heather holmes is off tonight. it may be a new year but the same cold, wet weather that ended 2010 is sticking around for the first few days of 2011. we have team coverage, including where it s raining right now and the major california artery that is shut down at this hour. we begin with ali, she is live at sfo with the latest there. ali. reporter: maureen, most international flights are on time but the duty manager tells me many domestic flights are experiencing 30 minute up to two hour delays. and it s all because of the weather. jets climb through low-lying clouds in san francisco this morning, because of the rain and strong winds, planes at sfo had to change the direction they usually take off and land. we end up having to do the reverse of what we normally do. and when that happens, we can t handle as many airplanes. reporter: the switch is common whenever there is stormy weather, but the result is that many f