3 today is friday, octoberr21st. 3 3&p 3&fiber ao 3 theemurderer of johns hopkinn researcher, stephen pitcairn, will learn his faae today. joel d. smith is liveeat he courthouse in downtown baltimore, where john wagner was found guilty ii aagust. good orning joel d. good morning patricc..it took a juuy lesss &pthan 3 hours o convict wagne of this senseless crime. and lattr this morning he will find out how muchhof his life it willlcost him. for taking . anothers. wagner was convicted of murder augustt 17th. and it did not take long for the jury, after thee hearr the dettils about pitcairn s death july 25th, 2010. pptcairn, a cancer researcher at joons hopkins was simply walking home from penn station, when he was targeted for a rrbbery.wagner merritt stopped im, demanded him to die, all while his mother listened on the other enn of pitcairn s phonee merritt testified for the prosecution, and gave explicit ddtails aboutttte murder. &pcourt observers were hoping 3 if the eviden
and old court road we do have volume there but no accidents as you make your way through pikesville. still doing okay on our drive times. the outer loop, which you just saw has your normal drive times. with your latest weather here is justin. it is chilly but the winds have settled down. westminster is one of our morning spots and say good morning to our friends there. 45 and winds calm. peaked at 13 overnight but they have seattle settled down. they will pick up later. a stream is trying to fight their way across i-70. we still have another hour and 22 minutes before sunrise but by that . most point most of us should see sun. gadhafi s death is echoing across the world even here in the u.s. this morning down in the nation s capitol. listen. [ inaudible ] the death of former libyan leader sparked celebrations overnight, including dc outside the white house doors. president barack obama called his death an opportunity for libya. celebrations there not dying down this m
horton was released from jail just a few days before the for a probation violation from an assault case in 2009.janiie park fox45 news at tee. aa. convicted killer s.// trial./ for .. áanotherá. murder./// ááendsáá in. a mistrial. ronnie winkler./ is. accuued of killing./ 19-year- old./ ky una. / jacksonn./ ááwhoseáá body. was found .in./ herring ruu . park../ in. 2008.//.ááwinkler sáá already. doing time.// for. killing. his nephew ./ girlfriend. //// áásha-near-aáá boone.///ááheeáá. body. was found./// in. frederick./ 3-years . juror./ googled.// winklers past..criminalrecord / áácausingáá./ the. mistrial. a./ baltimore. county.. jury...// convicts. a man./ of. killing.// 16-year -old./ rochelle battle./// áásheáá. left. her home./ 22-years ago.// to..go./ shopping./ áábuttá was. never seen./ again.//// áájasonáá. gross. was convicted..// of. killing her.////. ááthisáá is. the. second . o bodd . murder casee../ baltimore faced.//
battle s cousin told us family members have prayed for this outcome every day since the teen disappeared in march of 2009. it hurts me to my heart that it happened to her. it was a complicated case from the very beginning. prosecutors had to prove that grows killed battle, although they were missing one important piece of evidence, her body. it was putting together a puzzle and every piece of that puzzle pointed to one result. prosecutors said that growth and battle first met in a chat room and the team took a bus from baltimore to mill river to meet him in 2009. attorneys also said that gross applied several times on audio and videotapes that were played for jurors. going back to him time and time, explain, because it looks like he met, and he lied each time. each light trap him. his main defense was that the case included no physical evidence. investigators did not find her blood, fingerprints or dna in his house or car. his attorneys walked out of the courthous
3p school administrators iisued a statement. incident occurred on property non-instructioonlpurposes. baltimore city pplice are investigating. kc foxx45 news at 5:30 heee s. our question offthe day. ááshouldáá the person. who posted./ he. cell phone...video./ be charged .with. child pornogrrphy? go. to .fox- baltimore dot com./ . áátelláá us. what you thinkk..// áásoundáá oof. thru facebook./. áásendáá us. a tweet./// us. att.. 45203.// responsss tonight./ at 10. a./ conviiced killer s./ trial./ forr.. áanotherá. murder./// páendsáá in. a mistrial. ronnie winkler./ 19-year- old./ ky una. jackson,,../ ááwhoseáá erring run . - park../ in. 2008.//.ááwinkler sáá already. doing time.// for. killing. girlfriend. //// - &p áásha-near-aáá boone.///ááheráá. bodyy.. was found./// in. frederick.. 3-years ago.///. ááreportedlyá. a. juror./ researcced./ winklers past./ mistrial. .. / -3 baltimore ounty police make year old ryan jjckson.the lansdow