China. The president suggesting a twomonth recession could be the result of a muchneeded trade war. Meantime, the race for 2020 and what joe bidens wife, the american father accused of killing a hotel worker, he says he was defending his family. Returning to that caribbean island to face manslaughter charges tonight. He says he would do it again. The outrage. A room full of teenagers appearing to give the nazi salute. Major questions about the schools response. And your health tonight. New guidelines for gene testing when it comes to Breast Cancer and ovarian cancer. Good evening and its great to have you with us here on a very busy tuesday night. And we begin tonight with the disturbing new headline, after el paso and dayton, tonight, news of three new threats. Three new arrests. Authorities say these threats of Mass Shootings in three separate states. Police in florida hand cupping this 15yearold boy with his mother by his side. He is accused of ta. These new arrests come on the heel