He says in order to understand why lincoln is revered it is important to understand the criticisms of his detractors. The Lincoln Group of the District Of Columbia hosted this one hour 20 minute event. Good evening. I am former Vice President of the Lincoln Group and the District Of Columbia. It is my honor and privilege to invite tonights speaker, john mckee barr, a professor of history at Lone Star College kingwood, for the past seven years, teaching a class on darwin and lincoln, who were born on the same day. Before that, he was a High School Teacher in the Houston Public School system. That is good preparation for the kind of flack he has to put up now at it. This is his first book, and he has started a blog. I highly recommend it. It is very lively. It is loathinglincoln. Com. The book has received a lot of praise. I want to read you a couple summaries. Paradoxically, americas most revered president has also been its most reviled. Detractors of the rail splitter have been a crowd
talking out of school, maybe it is talking out of school, but they both thought that president kennedy s funeral was overdone. .. i would say one more thing about eisenhower-truman. that is, i don t think any two presidents had more in common with each other than those too. they were different personalities but one can easily imagine harry truman in the abilene high school yearbook, he might have been wearing thick glasses, might have been holding of violent or him i d been a piano player but he was a midwestern type and ike was a midwestern site. there was an episode in the campaign that i think is amusing that would talk about the strangest between ike and truman and ike s bitterness towards truman, and truman asked him to run for president. about set 10 or so truman goes on, i m not sure stephenson wanted him there but he goes there and he erupts with the charge that eisenhower is a [inaudible] a parent it s a fighting word in the midwest. no one else would have been a