unit there are ten cells, two of them are occupied, one by him, one by an alleged colombian hitman. but it is amazing the freedoms he has, larry. he is able to go to a living room area and watch television, there is a weight room in there, where there s coca-cola bought wells they put sand in with broom stick and do weight training exercise and the food he is getting, larry, is the food the officials at the prison eat, because they are concerned people will try to poinz his food. a lot of special concerns protect him. larry: we are going to show you in a little while what the prison like there. what s the latest on his legal team and his family? who s visited him? that is the question with. the attorney that has been representing him, we have spoken with him several times in legal marks he has told us that he wants off the case, that he has had threats to his life. that he is hiding out in lima.
guards brought him home to the wife s house one night yes went with inside, made love with his wife and then left and was taken back to the prison. money can get you anything there. larry: michael, thanks so much. we will call own again. michael griffith, international criminal defense attorney. the family of the woman police say was murdered by juror joran van der sloot is next. oun! [ male announcer ] when stress gives you heartburn with headache. alka-seltzer gives you relief fast. [ low male ] plop, plop. [ high male ] fizz, fizz. compare a well equipped lexus es, to a well-equipped buick lacrosse. get inside each. and see what you find. if perfection is what you pursue, this just might change your course. meet the new class of world class. the twenty-ten lacrosse, from buick.
she s always lived her life that way and taught us to live that way as well. an incredibly generous person, too. she never taught us to be generous. i can literally think back to times i saw her doing and giving to people but she never made a big deal out of. do you have a website, jennifer, on the maribel foundation where people can get more information? we do. go ahead. it s maribel foundation.org, one r and one l, if that helps. larry: we mourn his
larry: what companies? pam ex. i got to say one thing, there is real danger never be working down there and already been proven. like during the exxon valdez spill, hundreds of people who worked that spill died after working that spill. and we know that they need respirators down there larry: anderson, you have almost lived there, seems forever. how do you explain the resiliency of those people? i mean, look, this is a region that has seen a lot of natural disasters. this, of course is not a natural disaster that bears repeating often. this is a man-made disaster. but this is a place that you know, these are tough people. and it sounds cliche to talk about resilience. we reporters often talk about it in disaster zones but it really is true are. you see that in, you know, in generations of people who have carved a living out of the marches, who carved a living off the land here and that is going to continue. new orleans is a remarkable
larry: we want to remind but our two-hour special this monday night, disaster in the gulf, how you can help. it begins at 8 eastern. we have got a great lineup of celebrity guests who are going to help us raise money for our friends down south. we would love to have your support, too, because they need your help now. bp the bp chairman apologized today for what s going on. watch. i would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the american people on behalf of all the employees in bp, many of whom are living on the gulf coast. and i do thank you for the