With days to go before the kick-off to Black History Month, the town of Breckenridge is reminding the community of its ties to pioneering Black civil rights advocate and entrepreneur Barney Ford. Ford, who was.
Breckenridge History has officially completed a project that will preserve a piece of Summit County’s past for community members and visitors to witness. The Sallie Barber Mine in Breckenridge has undergone a stabilization project in.
Like other tourism hubs across the county, museums in Breckenridge saw visitor numbers begin to return to pre-pandemic normals this past year. According to Breckenridge Heritage Alliance’s 2021 report, 114,133 people visited a historical site.
Though Barney Ford’s life was impressive, there’s still many local Summit County residents and Coloradans who don’t know much about him. That’s why the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance is taking this year, Ford’s 200th.
Years of hard work has paid off for the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance. Because of the nonprofit’s efforts, the historic Reiling Dredge in Breckenridge is no longer considered an endangered site. Earlier this month, Colorado Preservation.