diluting yourself. the radicals on the left demand total obedience sorry, allyship. these go with the left s overriding goal the destruction of nuclear family and the judiah family tradition. take what the left did to ben sass. [ chanting ]. laura: now, despite the fact that sass voted to convict former president trump in his second impeachment trial, the left mobilized to oppose his becoming the new president of the university of florida. he s still in contention. now, he spoke at a student forum on campus where about 300 protesters showed up and they called the senator homophobic and racist in between yelling from the audience of course. remember, this is not about trump. they think all republicans are evil. when ben sass is considered to be too conservative, ben sass? that tells you a lot about academia, the inmates are truly running the asylum. then there s mike pence. even after obvious efforts to distance himself from president trump since election night and of cour
pittsburgh s cathedral of learning where a foo female student was allegedly sexually assaulted during school hours. that s bad enough, but it gets worse! students understandably horrified demanded increased security on campus. one anonymous student created a petition that garnered 6,000 signatures asking for more security cameras and more stringent i.d. access passes. the university quickly responded with an e-mail from the vice chancellor of public safety and emergency management. remember the old rule, the longer the title, the less they actually do. in the e-mail, the vc promised they d take additional actions increasing patrols and security shifts meaning more cops. can you guess what happened next? hint, it always happens when common sense runs head first into the whittles woke witles woke. stupid, destructive outrage. eventually causing destruction of someone else who was doing the right thing. so a backlash came from students who claimed the increasing police presenc
directed at the larger ingraham angle team and you know who you are. all right, don t forget to set your dvr for next wednesday night october 26th when the ingraham angle hits the road and heads to houston, texas, for our first retaking america town hall. you re not going to want to miss it. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. [cheers and applause] greg: happy friday, everybody! i m wearing glasses because i have a sty. thought i d get that out of the way, all right? here is the stupid infuriating, idiotic story which only means it bubbled up from academia. happened at the university of