congressman, good morning to you. good morning. thanks for having me. steve: you bet. what is the united nations doing, exactly? the united nations is working with countries like mexico and facilitating the invasion our nation. they are providing debit cards with around $400 every two weeks to migrant families. they are setting up these camps. they are instructing them on how to navigate our asylum system and using united states taxpayer dollars that we give to the united nations. we provide over 20% of their budget annually, i believe. they are helping them to come into our country. and providing them a road map to staying here. steve: and then how are the ngos the nongovernment organizations figuring into this equation. well, they are working with various ngos primarily on the u.s. side of the border once they get here. the ngos take over and help facilitate moving them around the nation. but what is so absurd is that
with addressing some of the needs of central americans. but, also, i think president trump s threat to start off really ended up being effective. they ended up having a lot of mutual respect between their ecuador, not nicaragua but el salvador and other surrounding countries, it hasn t happened since. steve: one of the root causes as well now that we just learned about is apparently the united nations is essentially paying people to head north. ainsley: he said the drug cartels largefully mexico smuggling guatemalanings $4 billion business for these criminals. brian: before we toss over to todd, i have in long island has been flooded with illegal immigrant kids and they have no idea not informing the principals and superintendents they show up in class. one of a friend of mine, whose wife does not feel comfortable speaking out says and eight kids in the last three weeks. none of which speak any english. and if you complain, they move you out of the school.
by the federal government to give a debit card to the migrants so once they come north to the border they have got a way to live in the united states. it sounds like indefinitely. well, these debit cards they start long before they get to the border. they are helping them get across mexico from whatever nation they are starting in and facilitating these migrant caravans. and, you know, the u.s. tax dollars are being used. the chinese contribute to the u.n. and some of our adversaries are helping to facilitate this as well with quite a bit of money to the u.n. it s appalling that we re actually supporting and funding this working against this. steve: since you are from texas. i wanted to call attention to our lead story today, and that is crime. and now in austin, austin is one of a dozen major u.s. cities that has broken the homicide record this year, the previous homicide record was back in 1948, 59 homicides and so far, 88 this year. and they are still, what three