Laredo to explore inviting Mexican nationals to travel to receive COVID-19 vaccine
May 21, 2021
Martin High School sophomore Kylie Lopez gets her COVID-19 shot from LISD Registered Nurse Mary Tijerina on Friday, May 14, 2021 at Shirley Field during a vaccination drive for students.Danny Zaragoza / Laredo Morning Times
During the Monday City Council meeting, a general council discussion topic brought in by Mayor Pete Saenz involving vaccine tourism saw a debate from council members who feel that Texas residents should be prioritized before tourists from Mexico.
According to Saenz, the topic stemmed from the New York City decision to allow foreigners to visit the city and receive the vaccine. As Texas is one of the states that cannot ask for residency information, the way is open for Laredo to start promoting vaccines to people, with an emphasis on Mexican nationals.