In part three of Jim Bridger's story we will see his contribution to the Sheridan area and the part he played in Red Cloud's war. After the Mormons burned his trading post on the Green River, Bridger leased the land to the army, and they built and garrisoned a fort where his trading post had sto
The Wagon Box Fight occurred on August 2, 1867, on an open field between Fort Phil Kearny and the present-day town of Story. It was the last major battle between the U.S. Army and Lakota warriors along the Bozeman Trail. Twenty-six soldiers and six civilians were attacked by several hundred Indians
Wyoming Territorial Prison, Laramie, Wyoming
At 2:00 a.m. on June 2, 1899, five masked men robbed a Union Pacific Train near Wilcox Wyoming, near Medicine Bow. The bandits flagged down the train and forced the train crew to separate the locomotive from the rest of the train, and drive it across
Teapot Dome rock near Midwest
Recently, President Biden approved taking oil out of the strategic oil reserves to help reduce gas prices in the United States. Early in the 20th century, the U.S. Navy obtained most of its fuel oil from coal. President Taft, to ensure that the Navy would alway
Susan Wissler Photo Courtesy of Wyoming State Archives
“You bet that little woman in the dry goods store is some scrapper.” said the gaunt cowboy who reined up in front of the Dayton saloon. "It ain't her way to say much, but if she ever takes it into her head to clean up the town in a hurry, it'