A night of fun and indulgence for many, Halloween can be a nightmare for people with eating disorders. Luckily, experts say, certain coping strategies can make this holiday less scary.
What Science Knows About Anger and What to do About It Nadine Jolie Courtney
Understanding anger issues
Whether it s outrage as a result of the news or a more personal reaction following strife with your friends, family, or co-workers, anger issues are something we re all familiar with. Yet few of us truly have a handle on anger.
What is anger anyway? Is it the same as rage or cynicism? Or is it something else entirely? Anger is an uncomfortable emotion we experience when we perceive that a threat is present, says child psychologist Nicole Beurkens, PhD. This can include experiencing an unpleasant or unexpected negative event, feeling an injustice has been done, or that someone has wronged us. Anger is an emotional response to a real or perceived triggering thought or event.