The Gauhati High Court has directed the Assam Taxation Officers' Association to file a detailed representation before the state government, represented by the Chief Secretary and a principal secretary.
In a momentous event for the residents of Tuensang district, the newly constructed District Court Complex was inaugurated today by Chief Justice (Acting) Lanusungkum Jamir of the Gauhati High Court, The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram & Arunachal P
In an effort to minimize human-elephant conflict that has claimed the lives of humans and jumbos alike, the Forest Department informed the Gauhati High Court that it will launch an eviction drive in.
GUWAHATI: The Assam government has told the Gauhati high court that the proposal to approve the revised draft notification for declaration of the eco-.
The state government informed the Gauhati High Court that the proposal for approval of draft notification for declaring the Eco Sensitive Zone of the Deepor Beel Wild Life Sanctuary was placed before.