Delaware County’s beloved tradition continues with Hedgerow Theatre’s smash hit A Christmas Carol Comedy back this holiday season. Join the holiday spirit with Katie Leamen's fun and festive adaptation of A Christmas Carol featuring Brian Anthony Wilson and Christopher Patrick Mullen.
The Barrymore Awards return to honor the 2022-2023 theatre season in Philadelphia. With 66 productions recommended, this year's nominations celebrate the diversity of local artists and theatre companies. Stay tuned for the ceremony date and location announcement.
make a case against the bureau, jordan is effectively giving the fbi a clean bill of political health. jim jordan s sham hearing was on the only public embarrassment republicans suffered this week. the justice department finally released a long awaited report on the fbi s handling of the russia investigation from special counsel john durham. for years, trump supporters have been eagerly awaiting, finding hopefully will uncover a deep state conspiracy. however, after nearly four years, 490 interviews and reviews of 1 million documents, durham s investigation ended with a whimper. the lantern theater six-page report, to feel the prosecutions, one guilty plea, and no new revelations. although durham accused if you have confirmations, nor in the report of the actually allege that political bias or partisanship or the guiding