Promoting community participation, James Vann, a longtime Oakland advocate for tenants’ rights and for humane homelessness policies, said he hopes to see people stepping up to work with Thao’s administration. “There are many openings on boards and commissions, and there will be opportunities for people to help make positive changes in Oakland,” said Vann. | By Ken Epstein As Mayor-elect Sheng Thao prepares to take office, many Oaklanders are looking forward to the possibility of creating a new era in which the city administration creates policy more transparently and inclusively than it did for the past eight years under Libby Schaaf’s leadership. One important step may be for Oakland residents
The current social and economic climate creates a distinct set of pressures on Black women and Latinas. Thirty-four percent cite finances or issues related to inadequate income as the top concerns facing their households. Safety, health, and housing also rank as chief concerns. More than 3 in 5 respondents reported having a mental health concern for which they did not seek care from a provider. The barriers they cited include travel expenses, length of travel time to appointments, and inability to take time off work. Women without coverage for mental health services, those with mental health conditions, younger women, and those covered through Medi-Cal reported the highest rates of untreated needs. | By Maxim Elramsisy California Black Media A poll of Black women and Latinas across California conducted by Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) and Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE)® found that 77% are experiencing some form of discrimination due to “persona
The Homegoing Celebration for Rev. Dr. Gillette O. James, Pastor Emeritus of Beth Eden Baptist Church in Oakland will be held Monday, May 16, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the church where he served, 1183 Tenth St. COVID-19 protocols will be enforced: all attendees are asked to wear masks. The final rites will be held at | The Homegoing Celebration for Rev. Dr. Gillette O. James, Pastor Emeritus of Beth Eden Baptist Church in Oakland will be held Monday, May 16, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the church where he served, 1183 Tenth St. COVID-19 protocols will be enforced: all attendees are asked to wear masks. The final rites will be held at
LaNeice Jones LaNiece Jones, Special to the Post News Group California’s severe housing shortage and the lack of available housing the average family can afford – did not begin with the COVID-19 pandemic. But financial hardships Californians now face resulting from the global health crisis has only made our housing problems worse. The average | LaNeice Jones LaNiece Jones, Special to the Post News Group California’s severe housing shortage and the lack of available housing the average family can afford – did not begin with the COVID-19 pandemic. But financial hardships Californians now face resulting from the global health crisis has only made our housing problems worse. The average