Special produce available it can be a place to give back by donating food to others and teach our children the connection to the earth and environment its truly ready. This is actually the first time ive con that all right. Sorry to break it all up were going to get started the regular meeting of the board of education of the San Francisco Unified School District for tuesday, december 13, 2016, is now called to order roll call. Thank you, commissioners. Ms. Fewer ms. Fewer here thank you ms. Mendozamcdonnell and dr. Murase and a mr. Walton and ms. Wynns matt haney mrs. Yanking if you will please join me in the pledge of allegiance we want to welcome everyone in person for those of you who want to address the board of education please fill out a speaker card and give it before the item is called this is included if you want to address the board of the appreciation of one of our Board Members no approval for board minutes item c superintendant report superintendant lee thank you presiden
This is actually the first time ive con that all right. Sorry to break it all up were going to get started the regular meeting of the board of education of the San Francisco Unified School District for tuesday, december 13, 2016, is now called to order roll call. Thank you, commissioners. Ms. Fewer ms. Fewer here thank you ms. Mendozamcdonnell and dr. Murase and a mr. Walton and ms. Wynns matt haney mrs. Yanking if you will please join me in the pledge of allegiance we want to welcome everyone in person for those of you who want to address the board of education please fill out a speaker card and give it before the item is called this is included if you want to address the board of the appreciation of one of our Board Members no approval for board minutes item c superintendant report superintendant lee thank you president haney thank you for being here it is a bittersweet and momentous for many reasons the report that i will give is going to be a little bit different this evening and t
Ms. Mendozamcdonnell and dr. Murase and a mr. Walton and ms. Wynns matt haney mrs. Yanking if you will please join me in the pledge of allegiance we want to welcome everyone in person for those of you who want to address the board of education please fill out a speaker card and give it before the item is called this is included if you want to address the board of the appreciation of one of our Board Members no approval for board minutes item c superintendant report superintendant lee thank you president haney thank you for being here it is a bittersweet and momentous for many reasons the report that i will give is going to be a little bit different this evening and the first thing id like to do to share some of the duties of this particular report just in contribute to one of our students that was a victim of ghost fire im sorry the ghost ship fire 10 todays and that is the principal mr. Barry by the and ask the principal to come up to the mike and share some thoughts about our student
Broadcasting todays hearing. And item two, please . Item two, chairs report, this is an information item. Thank you. Colleagues, this has been an exciting month for the Transportation Authority. Last friday i was very happy to join with commissioner kims office to to the cal tran and the chp, and the federal highway administration, and the metropolitan commission, and this was the first major capitol project delivered by the traness powertation authority. And the new ramps provide safe access, and are the first of many Infrastructure Projects planned for the Treasure Island and yerba buena island, i want to con gr congratulate the director, and for competing the 98 Million Dollar project on time and on budget. And i also would like to congratulate cal trans in the opening of the bike and the pedestrian an path, connect tg to the island on sunday. And this regional link was much anticipated on by many people. And a lot of people are going to benefit from this improved access. And so thi
The minutes of the october 18 regular meeting any Public Comment boomer . Know mister chairman moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye so ordered. Item 5 communications. German nolan directors none. Item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members 52 things to bring up with from the headlines. The first is if we could perhaps get clarification or update on the Service Animal policy. I know that was a new story that was kind of waiting around and i think that its one of those things theres a lot of misinformation out there. You hear a lot of things dogs are okay if they paid up there. Service animals always okay maybe we could clarify that not just for our benefit for the publics benefit. Also for the police will actually have to enforce it if its ever enforce. Then the second one is this is something that we been hearing a lot of correspondence on. The diy street changes being done by an organization in San Francisco and i know there is such a public appetite