The internal view. Thank you. Senator isaacson. Thank you, mr. Chairman. General allen, thank you for your service to the country. I followed you closely on tv the last couple of months and i think youve done a great job. Thank you, sir. We are operating under the 2001 amuf, is that correct . Thats correct. Would it be fair to say that the one the president sent to us to consider is actually eliminating amuf compared to the 2001 authorization . It is specifically intended to deal with the threat of isil, that is correct. But it is limiting in the authority of the president would have primarily of the interpretation of the enduring phrase is that correct . Enduring and the expectation as hes described it in the proposed legislation on the size and kinds of forces that might be applied, measures that might be applied, is that correct . Like senator markey, i voted for the 2001 authorization when i was here it came on the heels of 9 11 2001. It was passed at a time when americans had flag
Come together to address a serious challenge. We all took an oath to protect the nation and its interests but to do so we must Work Together. I know everyone on this Committee Takes the isil threat seriously. Everyone at this table does as well. We encourage a serious debate. I ask you to pass the president s amf because it provides the authority and flex wage and recurrent campaign and because it will demonstrate to our men and women in uniform that all of us stand behind them. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Distinguished members of this committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. Let me add my personal thoughts and prayers to those at the loss of folks on that helicopter. A reminder to us that those who serve put themselves at risk in training and combat. We will work to which were those survivors their family members will be well cared for. The committee will join in. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today. I just returned yesterday from a trip to the middl
Fact that this is only in the press right now. I eventually, there will be an actual indictment if we see what has been reported to be true. Susan thank you both for being our questioners on newsmakers this week. And, secretary of state john kerry and defense secretary Ashton Carter at a Senate Hearing on combating isis. Then, we will show you King Abdullah speech to the european parliament. Then, cia director john brennan talks about his committees intelligence gathering efforts. Tonight on q a. How pharmaceutical companies lobby c congress. The promotion of a drug actually starts 710 years before the drug comes on the market. While it is illegal for the company to market the drug before it has been approved by the fda, it is not illegal to market a disease. Drug companies have sometimes invented diseases, or exaggerated the importance of certain conditions or exaggerated the importance of a particular mechanism of a drug. Then, blanketed medical journals and medical meetings, and oth
Against isil. And forth and finally, the proposed aumf expires in four years. I understand the reason for the proposed sunset provision. It derives from the important principle stemming from the constitution that makes the grave matter of enacting an authorization for the use of military force a shared responsibility of the president and congress. The president s proposed authorization affords the American People the chance to assess our progress in three years time, and provides next president and the next congress the opportunity to reauthorize it, if they find it necessary. To me, this is a sensible and principal provision, even though i cannot assure that the counter isil campaign will be completed in three years. Now, in addition to providing the authority and flexibility to wage a successful campaign, i said i had another key consideration. Sending the right signals to the troops. It will demonstrate to our personnel that their government stands behind them. As secretary kerry ex
Requirements, frankly i am a little sick of the email drama. In our state, whether you use personal or public email or carrier pigeon, it was a Public Record subject. Youre not going to ask about emails, are you . The message you brought is this something you want to share with the National Audience as a president ial candidate . Martin j. Omalley i am seriously considering running. If we want to continue healing our economy and congress, we will have to make our government work and do a better job of making our government perform for the dollars people pay. I think those three things link together. There is not a doubt in my mind that this is the new way of governing and getting things done. You see it emanating out over the last 15 years. This is how our federal government should operate. Some departments already operate this way. It is coming with the rising tide of expectations of americans under the age of 40. They see it from retailers. They want their government to actually work