“It would not be a Kentucky Derby without D. Wayne Lukas,” reads one headline about the former Badger who grew up on a Wisconsin farm and started racing horses here.
ANTIGO — The GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) Antigo Junior Woman’s Club will host its 47th annual Craft and Trade Show, an annual highlight of fall that draws hundreds
Antigo expects a new championship off-road racing event will draw high-level drivers and fans to the city next month.
It’s part of the same series that attracts thousands of people to Crandon each year.
The Antigo Lions are hosting the first-ever Roaring Raceway event at the Langlade County Fairgrounds on the first weekend of June.
The races are part of the AMSOIL Championship Off-Road races series.
This is the same racing circuit, for those that know, have been to the Crandon race or the Bark River race in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The same drivers from all over the country are going to converge here on Antigo for that weekend and run a full slate of races,” said Antigo City Administrator Mark Desotell.