In Australia, we see the tech-utopians being butchered, metaphorically speaking, on our doorstep. Of concern here is the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023.
Article: Jerry Mander s eight attitudes toward technology - In 2014, the late Jerry Mander (author of 1978 s Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television and 1984 s In the Absence of the Sacred) organized Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth, a teach-in at Cooper Union in New York City. In his opening remarks, Jerry recommended eight attitudes about technology. They re still totally relevant.
Article: Jerry Mander s eight attitudes toward technology - In 2014, the late Jerry Mander (author of 1978 s Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television and 1984 s In the Absence of the Sacred) organized Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth, a teach-in at Cooper Union in New York City. In his opening remarks, Jerry recommended eight attitudes about technology. They re still totally relevant.
Is it true that it s not just the messages that we find on the web that influence us but that it’s the web itself, the process through which the web puts us as we engage its powers?