The Bluffton Gators bowled a match at Sportsmen Lanes vs. Liberty-Benton on Saturday, January 20. Junior Varsity Four bowlers Laney Kiene 97, Xaiver Navarro 169, Drew Frideger 124, 118 & Elijah Nye 175, 191 shot scores over their average with two of them (Navarro 298 and Nye 376) scoring their personal best series of the season. Taking 3 of the 4 baker games, the JV had a
The Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club has reported the following 2023 Allen County Junior Fair results. Thirty club members participated in the fair. Braeden Ackerman Pen of 2 Meat Chickens – A, Outstanding Poultry Livestock Interview Hailey Ballinger Outstanding Rabbit Livestock Interview, Second Place Junior Rabbit Demonstration Three Holland Lop Breeding Rabbits – A, A, A Two Silver