hardest are actually people on the left. and i ve wondered if that s sort of the left looking for a way to get revenge on the right for what it for pushing the obama issue in the first place. so it s something that hasn t been tested, hasn t been resolved yet. one thing i can tell you is a place that ted cruz cannot be looking to get any cover on this right now is a place that john mccain looked when his own birth his own eligibility came into question a little bit back in 2008. john mccain, as you said, was born in the panama canal zone back in 1936, a military installation. when those questions were raised in 2008, mccain got the entire united states senate, democrats and republicans, to vote unanimously for a resolution that said there is no question here, he is absolutely eligible to be president of the united states. as you say, ted cruz has a longstanding conflict with john mccain. john mccain clearly relishing turning the tables a bit here on ted cruz and bringing this issue
days of her reaction or lack thereof to some of the things donald trump has said, do you believe that she is getting stronger at this point, getting more confident? i think so. and she s wise to ignore trump. criticism of donald trump in the democratic primary is a plus. so there s no question about that. she s the one who s been getting most of the criticism. so it s a plus. so she s well suited to leave it alone. in terms of what she said in that clip you played, i think she s trying to remind people that she isn t the captain of money interest in wall street, that she is going to go after the hedge funds. she s going to get rid of loss carry forward which allows them to pay very little taxes. she s going to do things that are in step with what democratic voters want, more treatment equal treatment of people by the tax code and by our financial system. so i think it s wise for her to ignore trump, go after the hedge
don t believe barack obama was born in the united states. so they are among the most conservative of the republican party. so how will they handle the ted cruz issue now that already one democrat says if cruz gets in, they re filing a lawsuit? well, it s an open question. there hasn t been any polling on the republican side about how republicans feel about the issue specific to ted cruz. there s some skepticism, i can tell you, we re all kind of guessing here how this will be received. but there s some skepticism that those same voters you re describing will have that same attitude when it comes to ted cruz. when it comes to somebody who s part of their own party, somebody who in a lot of ways they trust on the issues. they trust sort of has their backs in washington to begin with. and in fact, there s some thought out there, and this is purely anecdotal i can tell you. but when i look at reactions on twitter, for instance, reactions on facebook, reactions on social media, i have not
almost bromance with ted cruz. they still think they re friends. they do share a lot of the same voters. but i do think that this is yet another example of how donald trump has been able to use his twitter account, social media and other things to be able to dominate the news cycle. it shouldn t be lost, tamron, that donald trump did not hold a campaign rally on wednesday, one of his first times this week not to really kind of have a campaign event, but we talked about this whole birther controversy over the past 24 hours or so. and so when there is almost kind of a gap in the moments where donald trump isn t on the campaign trail, he uses his twitter account just to stoke controversy, to be able to have some crumbs that are out there and continue to dominate the news cycle. yeah, and he is dominating the news cycle, but the question still remains, is this a problem for ted cruz? will this start peeling apart his argument that, you know, there s no legal there there? it s a short-t
termination. so far encina was not immediately taken into custody, and it s unclear when his arraignment on the charge will be. the indictment stems from this affidavit in which he says he pulled bland out of her vehicle to, quote, further conduct a safe traffic investigation. msnbc chief legal correspondent ari melber joins me now. you ve been looking over a lot of this information. the indictment as well. and you heard the critical questions from sandra bland s mother, and it explains why that family and many others still don t believe this this process at this point. i think that s right, tamron. look, what the mother is saying is here was a traffic stop over a lane change question. did you hit the signal or not? you can debate that. that then turns into a physical altercation with force used by the officer. and then and then, tamron, turns into basically an altercation between them, an arrest. she goes to jail and she ends up dead. now, you put your finger on where the perjury