Bell V-280 Valor aircraft to get Safran landing gear systems 06 May 2021 (Last Updated May 6th, 2021 16:15)
Bell Textron has signed an agreement with Safran Landing Systems to supply landing gear systems for its V-280 Valor next-generation tilt-rotor vertical lift helicopter.
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Bell’s V-280 Valor is proposed for the US Army’s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) programme. Credit: Bell Textron Inc.
Bell’s V-280 Valor has been proposed for the US Army’s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) programme.
The FLRAA programme aims to develop a medium-lift utility rotorcraft replacement.
The capability, with transformational speed, power, and manoeuvrability, will help warfighters counter future multi-domain fights challenges.