He says he s thrilled he does not have to go to Washington every week that it was hard on his family when he was in Congress and as Ryan Warner reports he s thrilled that he s finished dealing with d.c. Gridlock I mean I think that so much of the real action to prove people s lives a lot of that action will really come about here in Colorado there s just a stalemate in Washington it really just seems likely about all remain intractable for the least the short term can you give me an example of an interaction maybe that you ve had with a lawmaker or perhaps a lawmaker of a different party that gives you the sense oh Colorado is different from Washington well you know even the very 1st bill that the legislature was able to get to our desk which they approved I believe unanimously which was a fix on the way that we tax beer in this state had we not fixed that it would have gotten the way of beer being available in supermarkets which had been agreed to before and you know these things in
Global youth activism young women and have global youth viewpoints change our future and Nancy make men join me this week for a conversation with the author of ages and any youth statens. Turn into Nancy s bookshelf later this morning at 10 o clock. Support from our State Public Radio comes from inspire School of Arts and Sciences a nonprofit College Prep Charter High School with an open enrollment application deadline of tomorrow of January 31st that s tomorrow for the fall of 2019 information and online application at the inspires School of Arts and Sciences website inspire Chico dot org and support comes from Cold Creek him located in downtown Mt Shasta within walking distance of restaurants shopping and entertainment in near winter skiing and snowboarding on Shasta mountain information about rooms rates and amenities as well as seasonal attractions available at Cold Creek in dot com. It s Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I m Steve Inskeep And I m Rachel Martin good morning on Mond
Republicans produced jobs for the Dems by focusing on the economy and the record number of jobs but inevitably he views into culture wars particularly immigration that focus on immigration may help him in the Senate but it could alienate the types of suburban voters the g.o.p. Needs in Swing House districts a small college n.p.r. News former President Barack Obama is campaigning for Democrats including Indiana incumbent senator Joe Donnelly addressing a crowd on Sunday in Gary Indiana Obama says President Trump is trying to scare Americans over immigration he noted Trump is moving to deploy thousands of u.s. Troops to the southern u.s. Border to stop a migrant caravan filled with impoverished refugees from crossing finally there even using our brave troops sending them not as a political stunt. Men and women of our military deserve better than the migrants are hundreds of miles from the u.s. Border last night many of them meeting in a gymnasium in southern Mexico agreed to push on tor
Now 4 years ago and with just one day left to campaign both parties this past weekend brought out the big guns not only do the Democrats own border problems Ukraine are free but there is a danger every American. People who know that they re telling us that the single most grave threat to America. Is a bunch of I. Impoverished broke hungry refugees a 1000 miles away that was President Obama campaigning in Gary Indiana and President Trump in Chattanooga Tennessee we have n.p.r. National political correspondent Mara Liasson is our headliner this morning s who s with us now hey Mara Hey Rachel How s the race look one day left. The race looks remarkably stable even though we ve had a lot of wild and crazy turns the House still looks like it s trending Democratic the Senate looks very favorable for Republicans to maybe increase their majority a little bit it s almost like a parliamentary election this is a referendum on the president and his party as most midterms are but we ve never had a
It s dot org stadia supported by Southwest health system beginning on October 12 them urgency drive entrance to southwestern Morial hospital will be closed for approximately 2 weeks all patients should enter through the new lobby entrance visit Southwest health system on Facebook for more information. Good morning I m Daniel rhizome Thanks for making the part of your Thursday morning the weather forecasts is coming up right now. Mostly sunny skies across the 4 Corners today lower elevations can expect temperatures in the upper fifty s with the winds picking up in the afternoon if you ll be up in the San Juan Mountains though temperatures reaching about the mid thirty s today also with the wind picking up in the afternoon overnight some chilly temperatures as we dip down to the twenty s in the San Juan Mountains and lower elevations both as we go into Friday and the weekend we re looking at more clear sunny skies with the possibility for precipitation Saturday evening. Right now though