2.5 AC Lot in Los Angeles County, South-Western CA, EZ Access Land The Area: Lancaster, the largest city in the High Desert, is located in the Antelope Valley next to Palmdale and anchors the area s l | RealGeni.com
2.5 AC Lot in Los Angeles County, South-Western CA, EZ Access Land The Area: Lancaster, the largest city in the High Desert, is located in the Antelope Valley next to Palmdale and anchors the area s l | RealGeni.com
Large Lot in California Pines, Modoc County EZ Access Land The Area: California Pines is a large residential subdivision nestled in the mountains of Modoc County in Northeastern California. Located ju | RealGeni.com
Large Lot in California Pines, Modoc County EZ Access Land The Area: California Pines is a large residential subdivision nestled in the mountains of Modoc County in Northeastern California. Located ju | RealGeni.com
Large Lot in California Pines, Modoc County EZ Access Land The Area: California Pines is a large residential subdivision nestled in the mountains of Modoc County in Northeastern California. Located ju | RealGeni.com