The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County hosted Positive Ride at the Pismo Preserve to provide people with mobility issues with an opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities.
2:03 After closing once again in December due to concerns about visitors not following COVID-19 public health guidelines, SLO County s Pismo Preserve is now reopened, but with limited hours.
Both locals and tourists are once again enjoying the trails at the Pismo Preserve after its reopening Monday, though finding a parking spot is proving tricky for some.
“I’m not surprised, because I think everyone should be out enjoying it, Bay Area vistor Jeannetter Tyler said. But it is full, it s exciting to see.”
It’s their first time checking out the Pismo Preserve for visitors Jeannette Tyler and Chuck Dobbs, who stopped along the coast after a business trip, looking for something open during the current shutdown.