Hyderabad: Prominent Tollywood director Kovelamudi Raghavendra Rao and K Krishna Mohan have received notices in a land dispute on Friday. The Telangana High Court served notices to the director on a public interest litigation (PIL) in a land dispute case. The notices were served to the family members of the film director. The PIL, which was filed in 2012, had challenged the
Bajwa claimed that the Congress has 18 seats in Punjab and with the support of the 32 AAP MLAs his party could overthrow the ruling government. Chief Minister Mann responded to Bajwa’s claims with a post on X (formerly Twitter) by referring to Bajwa as a “BJP-affiliated leader”, Mann asked him to “talk to the high command”. 🗳️ Partap Singh Bajwa Claims 32 AAP MLAs in Touch With Congress in Punjab.
2 arrested, raids being conducted to nab others, says VB; a case under IPC sections 420, 467, 468, 471, 120-B and 13(1) of Prevention of Corruption Act and Information Technology Act has been registered against Manpreet Badal and others
This has come to light after the state government decided to conduct an inquiry into the allotment of all plots in industrial areas of various districts in the state.