BSE's barometer Sensex surged 364.06 points, or 0.55 per cent, to settle at 65,995.63. NSE's Nifty50 jumped 113.85 points, or 0.58 per cent, to end at 19,659.60 for the day.
Shares of Kolkata-based smallcap Jai Balaji Industries, which manufactures iron and steel products like TMT bars, are up 475% to top the multibagger list. Similarly, shares of another smallcap GVK Power & Infrastructure are up 300% so far in Q2 following a 50% rally in just two weeks.
BSE's barometer Sensex dropped 221.09 points, or 0.33 per cent, to settle at 66,009.15. NSE's Nifty50 plunged 68.10 points, or 0.34 per cent, to end at 19,674.25 for the day.
The rail stock has already rallied over 300% in FY24 on the back of rising demand for wagons from the Indian Railways. In the last three December quarters, the stock has a track record of giving at least 25% return each time.