Fred and Gene Clark have devoured nearly a fifth of the $18 billion industry by following the Amazon playbook. Now they’ve cooked up a plan for greater growth.
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It’s time to dish on Dished, which starts Friday.
It’s being billed by organizers Pat Larose and Mat Girgis – together they are Your Local Taste Buds – as their biggest and longest food experience yet.
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Try refreshing your browser. Cornwall s Taste Buds have lots on their plate with month-long Dished Back to video
It’ll involve over 20 restaurants in Cornwall and across SDG, a month-long event serving to remind residents of the innovative and tasty options that are right around the corner across the region.
“We’re thrilled to be able to partner with Cornwall Tourism and SDG Tourism to bring you our newest event,” Larose said in a news release. “We have so many great dining options throughout our region, it’s nice to be able to showcase as many as we can. This is also a great time to help support our local restaurants.”