state now a cnn global affairs analyst says the end result is a weakened state department unable to shape and execute foreign policy. if you look at two things, one, the budget. show me the money and i will tell you what your priorities are. clearly the state department is not their priority. second is personnel. you have to have people to run the place. in the absence of both the state department plays a diminished role. reporter: critics say president trump s loyalty test is slowing down the nomination. the president is ruling out many candidates who criticized him during the campaign. tillerson s aides say a confirmation of a deputy john sullivan have sped up nominations and now everyone s concerns are in the open and expect the process to run much smoother now. coming up, the white house is on the defense tonight as president trump comes under bipartisan fire for a stunning twitter attack. howl
meanwhile the investigation into russian entire fierce into the presidential election are heating up. the house intelligence committee is threatening to sum the white house for information about recordings president trump suggested he had of his conversations with former fbi director james comey. and on the senate side, investigators are looking at possible obstruction of justice related to comey s firing, as well as potential financial ties between trump associates and russia. at the same time, the white house is confirming that president trump will meet with russian president vladimir putin at the g20 summit in germany next week. it will be their first face-to-face encounter since mr. trump took office. we re covering all of that. much more this hour with our gefrt including the former chair of the hillary clinton presidential campaign john podesta whose e-mails were hacked by russia. our correspondents and special efforts are all standing by. but let s begin with the controversy ove
hey you ve gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it s going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i m gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. we re following the political firestorm ignited by president trump s personal attack via twitter this morning
things on twitter. to your point about the gender aspect of it, you saw female republican lawmakers immediately in the aftermath of this is a as a lawmaker, as a woman, i ve been judged on my appearance, that alone, that perception, makes it personal. a lot of us have been on the receiving end of nasty grams about our appearance. and foes female lawmakers have, too. to see it coming from the president of the united states, it s inherently shocking and it isn t okay. is this going to hurt him? probably not, among his fans. but this does get into real life in you that have susan collins, lisa murkowski, women that he needs to support his health care bill and his initiatives responding to this. and that makes them less amenable to work with someone who has that sort of attitude and that sort of dismissiveness. and those are republicans. imagine the democrats, democrats really going after him as well. everybody stay with us. there s much more we need to assess.
has to stop. we all have a job. we don t have do get along but we must show respect and civility. senator lindsey graham, mr. president, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with american politics. obviously, i don t see that as an appropriate comment. reporter: the white house has had enough. 21% of americans found the president s twitter use effective and informative. 69% say it s reckless and distracting. and also the comments toward women. the negative comments towards megyn kelly during the campaign. she gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. you know, you could see there was blood coming ought of her eyes, blood coming from wherever. the. reporter: questionable treatment of a female reporter in the oval office just this week. where are you from, go ahead, go ahead. where are you from?