Granting an approval to release of Rs 100 crore for the building and other construction works of Sports University at Rai in Sonipat, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday said that no poor child will be deprived of higher education due to want of money as the Universities in the
As farmers of neighbouring Punjab confront the havoc created by lumpy skin disease (LSD), the Haryana government has been quick in responding to the challenge.
He said there should not be any kind of misconception related to this disease among the public. For this, the DCs and animal husbandry department should provide appropriate information to the people, he said. He said that carcasses of animals should not be left in the open in any circumstances. Lumpy Skin Disease: Ensure 100% Cattle Vaccinated in 7 Days, Haryana Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal Tells Officials.