Mumbai (Maharashtra), April 10: SS Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ set another benchmark at the box office and entered the Rs 1000 crore club worldwide within 16 days of its release. The only other films to have crossed 1000 crore globally are ‘Dangal’ and Rajamouli’s ‘Baahubali 2’. With this, the epic becomes the third highest-grossing Indian film ever, overtaking ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, ‘Secret Superstar’ and ‘PK’. Interestingly, India’s biggest action drama, ‘RRR’ was also the first Indian film to release in Dolby Cinema. ‘RRR’ […]
RRR box office collection day 3: Jr NTR, Ram Charan s film wins big on Sunday - RRR box office collection day 3: On Sunday, Ram Charan and Jr NTR s film reportedly did better than the opening day collection in several centres.
RRR review: KRK slams SS Rajamouli s film, says director should be jailed for worst film ever made - KRK slammed director SS Rajamouli s magnum opus RRR and called it the