In a very tragic incident, two ISB students drowned in the Laknavaram Lake of Govindaraopet in the Mulugu district. The incident took place on Monday. A total of six students went on a joy trip to Laknavaram Lake on Monday evening. Two of them ventured into the water body. Suddenly, both of them drowned in the water as they didn't know the depth of the lake. The other students
Hyderabad s city lights killing astronomy, enthusiasts, scientists complain
Updated Jan 21, 2021, 11:22 am IST
Just to witness a full dark sky, one now will have to travel as far as at least a 100 kms away from Hyderabad
Light pollution is a menace in the city of Hyderabad which is killing the joy of looking up to the night sky, astronomy enthusiasts and scientists have complained. (Representational Image/PTI)
Hyderabad: The past few weeks saw various rare astronomical events, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the triple conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the Moon passing Mars- but astronomy enthusiasts in the city say that it is no more a thrill to witness these space events, because of the city lights.