Priyanka Gandhi along with other Congress leaders will address the 'Kisan Nyay' rally in Varanasi to protest against the Lakhimpur Kheri violence. Meanwhile, MP Varun Gandhi has tweeted that an attempt is being made to turn the incident into a Hindu vs Sikh battle. Ashish Misra, the son of Union Minister Ajay Misra on Sunday has been sent to 14-day judicial custody following his arrest on Saturday night in connection with the violence that erupted in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpu Kheri last week.
Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Misra's son Ashish Misra has time till 11 am on Saturday to appear before Uttar Pradesh Police in connection with the Lakhimpur Kheri violence that killed eight people, including four farmers. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court pulled up the UP government on Friday for not arresting Ashish Misra who allegedly ran his car over protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri last week.