Representatives. World so we can defend the the speaker pro tempore world . Pursuant to the order of the i repeat, is it not a symptom house of january 7, 2014, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by of senility to be boring from the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The world so we can defend the the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one world . Mr. Speaker, that is so hour and each member other than prophetic and i thank pat the majority and minority leaders and minority whip buchanan for trying to wake up congress before its too late. Limited to five minutes but in. No event shall debate continue mr. Speaker, finally, i have a beyond 11 50 a. M. Poster beside me of uncle sam the chair recognizes the and uncle sam says, i want you. Gentlewoman from florida, ms. Roslehtinen, for five minutes. I want you to understand that ms. Roslehtinen thank you, if you cannot afford to take mr. Speaker. Just 90
Sanctions have waivers, some of them dont have waivers. Some of them are law. You have u. N. Sanctions, you have e. U. Sanctions, you have combination sanctions. Its not the same thing as just putting a red mark through a piece of paper. What is meant by not using anything beyond the ir1 centrifuge within ten years . Ten years is a short period of time. 1015 years, everything could change. Another thing that gets me kind of concerned is a oneyear breakout time. Wow. Why is everyone saying thats a good thing . How about a noyear breakout time . I think id feel a lot more comfortable with that one. Am i being outrageous enough . Am i shattering illusions here . What that essentially says is the iranians can build a Nuclear Weapon in one year. I dont think we should agree to that. I dont think we should agree to 1015 years either. I think it should be expanded out. 1015 years everything turns around. This whole thing falls to the wayside. And the use of different centrifuges, the fordo co
An investigation when it comes to holding a retaliater against a whistleblower accountable. Because guess what the numbers support what im saying. You can give whatever explanation you want. But im telling you right now, the level of disrespect that you are showing to the veterans who by the way if and we know allegations are true in terms of treatment, mistreatment of patients, the lists, the laundry lists of stuff that is going on. Everyone knows that its there. Youre telling me youre spending all this time to try to hold someone accountable. Forget about whats happening about actually fixing the problem where veterans are not getting the services that they need. That is another disturbing thing to me. Thats almost an afterthought to you. So i cant hear an explanation that includes some kind of, with el, and believe me im a lawyer so i get the whole theres an Ongoing Investigation so i cant answer. Its a very convenient way of getting out of answering a question that you dont want to
So far very good results. And an amazing thing. It would be interesting to know why he thinks we can do that. So lets bring joe kiani out. [ applause ] u zk our last panelist is Jeffrey Selberg, who heads the Peterson Center for health care which has just gotten kicked off. And this is really important because Michael Peterson who is here and his dad Pete Peterson are great friends of mine. And they have worked for years to get americans to focus on the longterm consequences of unsustainable debt. And how we can bring debt, especially the debt we run up every year consuming, down so we can invest in our future and secure it. And after years of beating their heads against the wall, they looked at the numbers for the federal budget at least and decided that actually all the real structural problems are in health care. Combined with aging population. And they decided that they would try to be a part of the solution instead just sitting on the sidelines, complaining about it. So they are d
Great. We have an impact announcement and id like to ask you lets give the panelists a hand, and ill have the announcement. Join us tuesday when were live with a hearing on immigration issues with the head of immigration and customs enforcement. Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern here on cspan3. The Senate Committee relations chairments congress to review any Iranian Nuclear deal and introduced a bill to make it reality. Working on it with fellow Committee Members tomorrow live at 2 15 p. M. Eastern. More Foreign Policy on wednesday when the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations samantha power, testifies on the 2016 stateforeign operations budgets wednesday, 2 00 eastern and well have that here on cspan3. This weekend the cspan cities tour partnered with comcast to learn of the history and literary life of st. Augustine, florida. They may or may not have been searching for the fountain of eternal youth. People said he was out for additional