AN AMBITIOUS plan which could transform Kendal for generations to come is set to receive a huge boost. Hundreds of thousands of pounds has been earmarked to help develop a series of bold plans to make the Auld Grey town a more attractive place to live and work. Kendal Vision and the Kendal Town Centre Strategy, which were launched jointly in March this year, contain a wide range of projects and initiatives to enhance Kendal town centre. Together, the Strategy and Vision have the potential to deliver: - The redevelopment of over 20ha of under-utilised land and buildings in Kendal, identified as opportunity sites. - 400 new homes and the upgrading/repurposing of existing buildings to provide over 1,000 more energy efficient, affordable town centre houses. - Over 5ha of new and enhanced employment space, including office and industrial, as well as improved areas for markets and creative industries. - 10ha of improved habitat, recreation space and public realm in and around Kenda