A rogue Australian water dragon found at Papaitonga Scenic Reserve near Levin has been removed from the bush and humanely destroyed. The find, made by.
The Government has dipped into its Jobs for Nature programme to buy a dairy farm next to Lake Horowhenua, which will be turned into a large wetland and.
Environment Minister David Parker says Lake Horowhenua is badly degraded because of pollution and poor management. “The wetland project itself will improve water quality and the habitat for native fish, birds and plant species, while also providing jobs and recreational opportunities for the community.” The project received $11.2 million from the Government’s Jobs for Nature programme, towards the total cost of $12.5 million. The 142 hectare farm land was purchased for $6.7m, and Horizons Regional Council contributed $1m. The council would own the land when the project was completed. It was expected to create up to 45 full-time equivalent jobs over four years.
Thursday, 27 May 2021, 4:03 pm
A major milestone in restoring the health of Lake
Horowhenua has been reached, with agreement to buy land to
construct a nationally significant wetland.
land, currently used as a dairy farm, will be converted into
a large wetland and indigenous vegetation area, with huge
benefits for the water quality of Lake Horowhenua,”
Environment Minister David Parker said.
“Over the
years we have lost 90 per cent of our wetlands and many
other precious ecosystems from across Aotearoa. Lake
Horowhenua is one of the most degraded lakes in the country.
This is our chance to turn it around.